“But he is one, and who can turn him?”
Job said it about God to his companions as he suffered.
God is one. That can be read in many different ways and has
a bunch of implications, certainly more than Job had in mind at the time.
1/ One vs. Three
When the Unitarian says, “Good, God is one; that puts paid to
this nonsense about a trinity,” he is making a theological point. He’s wrong,
of course. Don’t use the word trinity if it bothers you. Don’t refer to the ‘persons
of the Godhead’ if you find it a non-scriptural or extra-scriptural turn of
phrase. That’s certainly a position one can take. But if you can read your Bible
without noticing that God manifests himself in three distinctly different ways,
modes — or possibly, um, ‘persons’ — well, you’re just not reading the same
thing I’m reading.
But despite all that being very much the case, we read that
God is one.