We might have called these Questions from Camp or Questions from Teens, except that some didn’t come from camp and some didn’t come from teens.
Some of these may seem more basic than others, but all give us an opportunity to explore issues that actually matter to real people.
Anonymous Asks (0) | Do you think that we should wait to date until we are more prepared to be married, or date younger? |
Anonymous Asks (1) | Why not get rid of the Old Testament? |
Anonymous Asks (2) | If your father tells you to kill someone and you say ‘no’, would that be considered a sin? |
Anonymous Asks (3) | Is feeling same-sex attraction a sin? Is it even a choice? |
Anonymous Asks (4) | Does God not accept or dislike the genders in the LGBTQ+ community? |
Anonymous Asks (5) | How do I stay close to God when there is nothing bad happening? |
Anonymous Asks (6) | How do you reconcile Ephesians 2:8-9 with James 2:24? |
Anonymous Asks (7) | If Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, shouldn’t those be the only people on earth? So who was Cain’s wife? |
Anonymous Asks (8) | If God doesn’t like suicide, isn’t what Jesus did kind of like that? Did God send his Son to be murdered? |
Anonymous Asks (9) | In the Trinity, we know the attributes of God and Jesus, but do we really know many about the Holy Spirit? |
Anonymous Asks (10) | How can we know that God is actually real? |
Anonymous Asks (11) | How can I help a non-believer friend who is extremely struggling? |
Anonymous Asks (12) | Where did God come from before he created earth, animals and humankind? |
Anonymous Asks (13) | If the stars are so far away and it would take millions of light years for them to be seen from earth, why do we see stars? |
Anonymous Asks (14) | How do you stay on a spiritual high? |
Anonymous Asks (15) | How do you not focus on what people think of you? |
Anonymous Asks (16) | I have a friend at my public high school and she isn’t really walking with God anymore. What do I do? |
Anonymous Asks (17) | Why memorize scripture? |
Anonymous Asks (18) | How do you know when you’ve found ‘the one’? |
Anonymous Asks (19) | I keep praying the sinner’s prayer. I’m so anxious. Am I saved or not? |
Anonymous Asks (20) | Does God have a specific career or school for you to go to? |
Anonymous Asks (21) | How do you know if you’re being called to go to the mission field? |
Anonymous Asks (22) | What if I have doubts about my faith? What should I do? |
Anonymous Asks (23) | How can I be a witness to my friends and still be accepted? |
Anonymous Asks (24) | How do you separate from bad friends without hurting them or making them think you’re stuck up? |
Anonymous Asks (25) | In dealing with authority, how can I explain things or make a point without sounding argumentative or disrespectful? |
Anonymous Asks (26) | Why is God so morbidly violent in the Old Testament? |
Anonymous Asks (27) | How do I talk to an atheist about Jesus? |
Anonymous Asks (28) | How did people know about God before the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (29) | Does Jesus love us all equally? |
Anonymous Asks (30) | What is the unforgivable sin? |
Anonymous Asks (31) | How do I know I’m saved? |
Anonymous Asks (32) | What is an effective way to show, shine, and represent our faith as hormonally crazy teenagers? |
Anonymous Asks (33) | Why does God allow trials, tribulations, and suffering? |
Anonymous Asks (34) | How do you know God is real besides ‘look all around you’? |
Anonymous Asks (35) | Why is it ok for the church to sell coffee and other products? |
Anonymous Asks (36) | How can we make our faith stronger? |
Anonymous Asks (37) | Why does school suck? |
Anonymous Asks Again | Why does school suck? |
Anonymous Asks (38) | Can ghosts and evil things get me? |
Anonymous Asks (39) | How did dinosaurs exist if they are not found in the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (40) | In Genesis, Adam and Eve leave the garden and cities are already there and other people. Please explain. |
Too Hot to Handle: Anonymous Asks (41) |
Many Christians seem to live more in defeat than victory. Shouldn’t the word of God, being born again, or both, be more spiritually powerful? |
Anonymous Asks (42) | How do we minister if we are already in a Christian school? |
Anonymous Asks (43) | Does God know what we will do? |
Anonymous Asks (44) | If you are not a Christian and believe that Jesus died on the cross to relieve us of our sins, can you still go to heaven? |
Anonymous Asks (45) | Do I have to be nice to everyone? |
Anonymous Asks (46) | Spiritual worship: like ghosts and stuff? I don’t understand it. |
Anonymous Asks (47) | How did people stay alive so long back in the Old Testament? |
Anonymous Asks (48) | Why doesn’t God interact with us today the way he did over the periods covered in the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (49) | I have a friend who says she is not religious. How do I respond? |
Anonymous Asks (50) | How do you get over a broken romantic relationship? |
Anonymous Asks (51) | How do I deal with people in my life who have hurt me deeply? |
Anonymous Asks (52) | Why is the Bible so weird sometimes? |
Anonymous Asks (53) | Why should I pray if God already knows what will happen? |
Anonymous Asks (54) | How do biblical texts apply to modern society? |
Anonymous Asks (55) | Why is envy one of the seven deadly sins? |
Anonymous Asks (56) | Will we have a second chance to go to heaven? |
Anonymous Asks (57) | Isn’t hell an unreasonable punishment for not believing in a specific set of truth claims? |
Anonymous Asks (58) | How can I witness to peers who have intelligent answers to all my arguments for Christianity? |
Anonymous Asks (59) | Is suicide a mortal sin? |
Anonymous Asks (60) | How can I tell if it’s my own feelings or the Holy Spirit? |
Anonymous Asks (61) | Is low self-esteem better than pride? |
Anonymous Asks (62) | Does it really matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere? |
Anonymous Asks (63) | If I doubt my salvation, am I still saved? |
Anonymous Asks (64) | Does everything happen for a reason? |
Anonymous Asks (65) | How can I satisfy my sexual needs and desires outside of marriage? |
Anonymous Asks (66) | Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? |
Anonymous Asks (67) | Are intrusive thoughts sin? |
Anonymous Asks (68) | Can Christians use essential oils and aromatherapy? |
Anonymous Asks (69) | If it is true that “whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire,” then why did Jesus and his apostles call people fools? |
Anonymous Asks (70) | Does God love everyone? |
Anonymous Asks (71) | Is God mad at me? |
Anonymous Asks (72) | How is it fair that God tested Adam in Eden when he knew Adam was destined to fail? |
Anonymous Asks (73) | Is born-again virginity possible? |
Anonymous Asks (74) | Does God only help those who help themselves? |
Anonymous Asks (75) | Does God know when I will die? |
Anonymous Asks (76) | What does the Bible say about insecurity? |
Anonymous Asks (77) | Is my baptism still valid if I sin? |
Anonymous Asks (78) | Is what I feel love or lust? |
Anonymous Asks (79) | Is being depressed a sin? |
Anonymous Asks (80) | What are valid reasons to break up? |
Anonymous Asks (81) | Will my pet go to heaven? |
Anonymous Asks (82) | Should I wait for God to bring me a boyfriend? |
Anonymous Asks (83) | Why isn’t the Bible in chronological order? |
Anonymous Asks (84) | Does Christianity need to develop a new gospel adapted to today’s world? |
Anonymous Asks (85) | Does the Bible say to ask Jesus into your heart? |
Anonymous Asks (86) | How can I become more spiritually discerning? |
Anonymous Asks (87) | Are our dreams from God? |
Anonymous Asks (88) | What should I say when someone morally offends me? |
Anonymous Asks (89) | Is physical healing part of Christ’s atonement? |
Anonymous Asks (90) | Why should I talk about my faith at school? |
Anonymous Asks (91) | How can I honor an abusive parent? |
Anonymous Asks (92) | Are soul mates for real? |
Anonymous Asks (93) | Is it wrong to wish for something? |
Anonymous Asks (94) | Is it possible to go a whole day without sinning? |
Anonymous Asks (95) | Do you have to say certain words to become a Christian? |
Anonymous Asks (96) | How can I avoid the appearance of evil? |
Anonymous Asks (97) | Does God make mistakes? |
Anonymous Asks (98) | Are Christians supposed to be perfect? |
Anonymous Asks (99) | What should I do about my ‘privilege’? |
Anonymous Asks (100) | Can I really do all things through Christ? |
Anonymous Asks (101) | If all my sins are forgiven, why do I need to stop sinning? |
Anonymous Asks (102) | Do miracles still happen today? |
Anonymous Asks (103) | What is one way you can worship God without using music? |
Anonymous Asks (104) | Why is sexual purity so important? |
Anonymous Asks (105) | What are the differences between a pastor, a priest and a preacher? |
Anonymous Asks (106) | How can Christians say their religion is the only true one? |
Anonymous Asks (107) | What does the Bible say about capital punishment? |
Anonymous Asks (108) | Why do we follow some Levitical laws and not others? |
Anonymous Asks (109) | If God loves the world, why does he make people choose between loving him back or spending eternity in hell? That sounds more like an ultimatum than love. |
Anonymous Asks (110) | What should a believer do before he dies? |
Anonymous Asks (111) | How often do you need to say ‘amen’? |
Anonymous Asks (112) | What’s the difference between reincarnation and resurrection? |
Anonymous Asks (113) | Does God give second chances? |
Anonymous Asks (114) | Where did Jesus come from? |
Anonymous Asks (115) | What’s the difference between being spiritual and being religious? |
Anonymous Asks (116) | How can you worship a God who could send your loved ones to hell? |
Anonymous Asks (117) | Why should someone start believing in God? |
Anonymous Asks (118) | Why can’t all Christians agree on one version of the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (119) | What is hell like? |
Anonymous Asks (120) | Does your past play a role when you become a Christian? |
Anonymous Asks (121) | Is cremation biblical? |
Anonymous Asks (122) | When should life support be stopped? |
Anonymous Asks (123) | Why are birth defects allowed? |
Anonymous Asks (124) | How should Christians view genetic engineering? |
Anonymous Asks (125) | Did Lot really have sex with his daughters? |
Anonymous Asks (126) | Did God create a second Adam? |
Anonymous Asks (127) | Do illegitimate children go to heaven? |
Anonymous Asks (128) | Should God choose our mate? |
Anonymous Asks (129) | What’s the difference between encouragement and flattery? |
Anonymous Asks (130) | Should children be told Santa is fake? |
Anonymous Asks (131) | Was Jesus really a Jew? |
Anonymous Asks (132) | Why is the Bible so violent? |
Anonymous Asks (133) | What are the names of the devil? |
Anonymous Asks (134) | Do I have to believe the Bible is inerrant to be saved? |
Anonymous Asks (135) | Do Christians need a marriage license? |
Anonymous Asks (136) | Where is the true church? |
Anonymous Asks (137) | Does the tree of life still exist? |
Anonymous Asks (138) | Was Jesus black? |
Anonymous Asks (139) | Were animals created carnivorous? |
Anonymous Asks (140) | Does God want humans to sin? |
Anonymous Asks (141) | Should someone start attending a church if he or she doesn’t believe in God? |
Anonymous Asks (142) | How can we redeem the time? |
Anonymous Asks (143) | If Christians are forgiven, and they know they will be forgiven no matter what they do, why should they refrain from doing evil? |
Anonymous Asks (144) | Did God make any promises to Abraham that remain unfulfilled? |
Anonymous Asks (145) | Can the balm of Gilead heal? |
Anonymous Asks (146) | Is it okay to take communion at home? |
Anonymous Asks (147) | What does Romans 14:5 mean? |
Anonymous Asks (148) | Did Ishmael become a great nation? |
Anonymous Asks (149) | Did Jesus know he was the Messiah? |
Anonymous Asks (150) | Why did the Lord condemn Corban? |
Anonymous Asks (151) | Why do some Bible translations not capitalize pronouns referring to God? |
Anonymous Asks (152) | Should we worship the Holy Spirit? |
Anonymous Asks (153) | Do Jews go to heaven? |
Anonymous Asks (154) | What is a reprobate mind? |
Anonymous Asks (155) | What is the difference between an archangel and a cherub? |
Anonymous Asks (156) | Is everything in the Bible true? |
Anonymous Asks (157) | Are visions of Mary real? |
Anonymous Asks (158) | Why did God make some people less attractive than others, and what can those of us who got the short end of the stick do about it? |
Anonymous Asks (159) | Why did King Saul consult a witch? |
Anonymous Asks (160) | Has science disproved the miracles of the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (161) | What does ‘walking in the Spirit’ involve, and what do I do when I don’t feel like it? |
Anonymous Asks (162) | Are angels God’s sons? |
Anonymous Asks (163) | Do elders have authority? |
Anonymous Asks (164) | Is is possible to be born again without knowing when it happened? |
Anonymous Asks (165) | What does it mean that God is able to keep us from stumbling? |
Anonymous Asks (166) | Are people born good? |
Anonymous Asks (167) | Is God male or female? |
Anonymous Asks (168) | If God knows I’m hurting, why doesn’t he help me? |
Anonymous Asks (169) | Why do so many white supremacists claim to be Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (170) | How should Christians regard Jews? |
Anonymous Asks (171) | Is the United States a Christian nation? |
Anonymous Asks (172) | Did Noah’s sons represent races? |
Anonymous Asks (173) | Do guardian angels exist? |
Anonymous Asks (174) | What tools exist for getting a perspective on Bible history and confirming its accuracy? |
Anonymous Asks (175) | What does the Bible say about church-hopping? |
Anonymous Asks (176) | What specific verse/passage about human nature resonates the most with your observations? |
Anonymous Asks (177) | How does one write effectively about Christianity in a work of fiction? |
Anonymous Asks (178) | Which of the psalms stands out the most to you? |
Anonymous Asks (179) | Is church membership important? |
Anonymous Asks (180) | How important are traditions observed by other Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (181) | ‘Son of man’ is a title that belongs to Christ. Why is it also used for Ezekiel? |
Anonymous Asks (182) Anonymous Asks (183) |
Conventional wisdom disagrees with an increasing number of Bible proverbs. Is it possible some were of their own time and do not apply to us today? |
Anonymous Asks (184) | As a parent, where would you draw the line with allowing your children to read/watch/play video games about demons, wizardry, etc.? |
Anonymous Asks (185) | What are the pros and cons of getting a formal Christian education? |
Anonymous Asks (186) | Do Christians in today’s working world ever find themselves confronted by issues not directly addressed in the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (187) | What do you think of this app? |
Anonymous Asks (188) | Are you more likely to trust politicians who claim to be Christian? |
Anonymous Asks (189) | Are there people who will never change? |
Anonymous Asks (190) | What’s the difference between righteousness and holiness? |
Anonymous Asks (191) | What is the significance of the staff that produced buds? |
Anonymous Asks (192) | Does God approve of the death penalty? |
Anonymous Asks (193) | What would you say to someone who thinks he is too sinful to be saved? |
Anonymous Asks (194) | How can I learn to forgive myself? |
Anonymous Asks (195) | Sometimes Christians comment about the need to be saved on unrelated YouTube videos. These comments get many thumbs up, but also make many people angry. Are they useful ways to witness? |
Anonymous Asks (196) | Do the Bible’s claims to be true make it so? |
Anonymous Asks (197) | How do I know which of God’s promises are for me? |
Anonymous Asks (198) | Are atheists more intelligent than believers? |
Anonymous Asks (199) | Am I supposed to obey my pastor? |
Anonymous Asks (200) | Should Christians respect borders? |
Anonymous Asks (201) | What do sheep symbolize in the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (202) | How could a good God drown babies in the Flood? |
Anonymous Asks (203) | Why does the Bible use so many different words to describe sin? |
Anonymous Asks (204) | Is the person Paul describes in Romans 7:14-25 saved? |
Anonymous Asks (205) | Does Satan have to get God’s permission to attack Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (206) | Are Christians obligated to attend every meeting of the local church? |
Anonymous Asks (207) | What does it mean to ‘take the name of the Lord in vain’? |
Anonymous Asks (208) | Should Christians boycott companies that support anti-Christian policies? |
Anonymous Asks (209) | Why do Christians try to impose their values on others? |
Anonymous Asks (210) | Are all sins equal to God? |
Anonymous Asks (211) | Is apostolic succession biblical? |
Anonymous Asks (212) | Is it realistic to teach abstinence until marriage to today’s Christian teens? |
Anonymous Asks (213) | Should adultery be confessed to one’s spouse? |
Anonymous Asks (214) | How can Christians repair broken relationships caused by differences of opinion about COVID policies? |
Anonymous Asks (215) | Can I stop tithing temporarily while paying off a debt? |
Anonymous Asks (216) | Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying? |
Anonymous Asks (217) | Do Jews and Christians worship the same God? |
Anonymous Asks (218) | Should married Christians have close friends of the opposite sex? |
Anonymous Asks (219) | Is it a sin to watch pornography with my spouse? |
Anonymous Asks (220) | Are people who claim God talks to them insane? |
Anonymous Asks (221) | Why are so many Christian public figures caught in scandals? |
Anonymous Asks (222) | Is premarital sex okay if you know you are going to be married? |
Anonymous Asks (223) | Does the Bible promote arranged marriages? |
Anonymous Asks (224) | Is it wrong to marry someone who is much older/younger? |
Anonymous Asks (225) | If perfection is impossible in this life, why did Jesus tell people to go and sin no more? |
Anonymous Asks (226) | How detailed should prayers of confession be? |
Anonymous Asks (227) | What does it mean that ‘the sexually immoral person sins against his own body’? |
Anonymous Asks (228) | The Bible says nothing about trans people. Why should Christians be against sex transitioning? |
Anonymous Asks (229) | Is it wrong for a Christian husband and wife to have separate bank accounts? |
Anonymous Asks (230) | What is the value of a prayer meeting? |
Anonymous Asks (231) | How can I become a more cheerful giver? |
Anonymous Asks (232) | Are home churches biblical? |
Anonymous Asks (233) | Is Christianity wish fulfillment? |
Anonymous Asks (234) | If the Bible teaches the equality of the sexes, why has inequality always been the norm? |
Anonymous Asks (235) | Why did God use a lying spirit to deceive Ahab? |
Anonymous Asks (236) | How should Christians respond to someone who leaves the faith? |
Anonymous Asks (237) | What did Solomon mean when he wrote that money answers everything? |
Anonymous Asks (238) | Is asking ‘What would Jesus do?’ a good way to make decisions? |
Anonymous Asks (239) | Are cherubs the spirits of dead babies? |
Anonymous Asks (240) | What does it mean that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath? |
Anonymous Asks (241) | What happens if I miss the rapture? |
Anonymous Asks (242) | What does it mean to hand someone over to Satan? |
Anonymous Asks (243) | Should Christians reject sentimentality and nostalgia? |
Anonymous Asks (244) | Is freedom of speech a biblical value? |
Anonymous Asks (245) | Can a believer be content to live a worldly life? |
Anonymous Asks (246) | Is it wrong to pray for your ex back? |
Anonymous Asks (247) | Is it possible to take the mark of the beast without knowing it? |
Anonymous Asks (248) | Does God have emotions? |
Anonymous Asks (249) | What does the Bible say about women pastors? |
Anonymous Asks (250) | Is everyone born an atheist? |
Anonymous Asks (251) | What does ‘test yourselves’ mean in 2 Corinthians 13:5? |
Anonymous Asks (252) | Is it possible to love a person you don’t like? |
Anonymous Asks (253) | What does it mean that God will rejoice over us with singing? |
Anonymous Asks (254) | Should Christians experience regret? |
Anonymous Asks (255) | Is there a biblical distinction between sex and gender? |
Anonymous Asks (256) | Why is fellowship so important for Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (257) | Who authored the Psalms? |
Anonymous Asks (258) | What does God have to say to single mothers? |
Anonymous Asks (259) | What does it mean to be dead to sin? |
Anonymous Asks (260) | What’s the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? |
Anonymous Asks (261) | Why do some churches grow while others die? |
Anonymous Asks (262) | Why do you consistently use an initial capital on ‘Bible’ but not ‘scripture’? |
Anonymous Asks (263) | What does ‘despising the shame’ mean? |
Anonymous Asks (264) | Are there any valid reasons for divorce or separation beyond what the Bible specifically identifies? |
Anonymous Asks (265) | Should Christians give out of their gross or net income? |
Anonymous Asks (266) | Does God still perform miracles? |
Anonymous Asks (267) | Can a Christian be a stay-at-home dad? |
Anonymous Asks (268) | Is numerology an important area of study? |
Anonymous Asks (269) | Does God love everyone or just Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (270) | What does it mean to receive the grace of God in vain? |
Anonymous Asks (271) | Does the Bible promote multiculturalism? |
Anonymous Asks (272) | How would you describe a relationship with God to an unsaved person? |
Anonymous Asks (273) | What does the Bible say about women’s rights? |
Anonymous Asks (274) | Are democracy and Christianity compatible? |
Anonymous Asks (275) | Should a couple be financially stable before getting married? |
Anonymous Asks (276) | Should a Christian listen to secular music? |
Anonymous Asks (277) | Will everyone in the lake of fire suffer to the same degree? |
Anonymous Asks (278) | Why does Paul call our difficulties a ‘momentary, light affliction’? |
Anonymous Asks (279) | Is it possible not to worry about tomorrow? |
Anonymous Asks (280) | Is there such a thing as a necessary evil? |
Anonymous Asks (281) | What’s the difference between legitimate criticism and the kind of judgment Jesus condemned? |
Anonymous Asks (282) | Do I need institutional accreditation to pastor? |
Anonymous Asks (283) | Why should I care about the sovereignty of God if it has no practical effect on my life? |
Anonymous Asks (284) | Is it inauthentic or dishonest for two Christians to remain married when they don’t get along? |
Anonymous Asks (285) | Why would God release Satan after 1,000 years? |
Anonymous Asks (286) | Should Christians in democracies feel obligated to vote? |
Anonymous Asks (287) | I know the Bible says we’re not supposed to depend on our feelings, but sometimes, honestly, it gets hard to feel my faith. Any thoughts? |
Anonymous Asks (288) | When does grief become excessive? |
Anonymous Asks (289) | How can we know the Holy Spirit is present with us when nobody is expressing strong feelings? |
Anonymous Asks (290) | What does it mean that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth? |
Anonymous Asks (291) | How should a Christian respond to being in a loveless marriage? |
Anonymous Asks (292) | Why are there so many Christian interpretations? |
Anonymous Asks (293) | Is the sanctity of human life a biblical concept? |
Anonymous Asks (294) | Should I join an accountability group? |
Anonymous Asks (295) | Should churches be seeker sensitive? |
Anonymous Asks (296) | What should I do when falsely accused? |
Anonymous Asks (297) | What does it mean to test the spirits? |
Anonymous Asks (298) | Does the Bible support the pre-existence of Jesus? |
Anonymous Asks (299) | When is the right time to build a new church building? |
Anonymous Asks (300) | What does ‘I shall not want’ mean? |
Anonymous Asks (301) | What causes church splits? |
Anonymous Asks (302) | How should parents who are divorcing/separating deal with child custody issues? |
Anonymous Asks (303) | What does it mean to be spiritually dead? |
Anonymous Asks (304) | Are some words better than others when describing people who are not Christians? |
Anonymous Asks (305) | Does the Bible predict an EMP attack? |
Anonymous Asks (306) | Is it really possible to be overly righteous or too wise? |
Anonymous Asks (307) | Why are there so many atheists in the world? |
Anonymous Asks (308) | In a theocracy such as the Christian Nationalist movement would like to see established, what would be the most biblical way to treat people with non-Christian religious beliefs? |
Anonymous Asks (309) | Why did God punish David and Bathsheba’s innocent child with death? |
Anonymous Asks (310) | What does it mean to ‘call upon’ the Lord? |
Anonymous Asks (311) | Why are Christians homophobic? |
Anonymous Asks (312) | What does it mean to take communion unworthily? |
Anonymous Asks (313) | Is there any way the new heavens and new earth could be happening now? |
Anonymous Asks (314) | Is it wrong for a woman to propose marriage to a man? |
Anonymous Asks (315) | Why does God test us? |
Anonymous Asks (316) | Is it important to know Greek and Hebrew when studying the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (317) | What does it mean that there is ‘one baptism’? |
Anonymous Asks (318) | Why isn’t the obvious obvious to everyone? |
Anonymous Asks (319) | Where is the increase in anti-Jewish sentiment coming from, and how should Christians respond to it? |
Anonymous Asks (320) | Is hell a literal lake of fire? |
Anonymous Asks (321) | I just graduated Bible college without finding a partner. Would taking a pastorate improve my prospects? |
Anonymous Asks (322) | Who is the ‘friend who sticks closer than a brother’? |
Anonymous Asks (323) | What should be the focus of a Christian funeral? |
Anonymous Asks (324) | Why should we restore a brother caught in a transgression in a ‘spirit of gentleness’? |
Anonymous Asks (325) | Is it a bad sign when lots of people leave a church in a short period? |
Anonymous Asks (326) | What’s the difference between contentment and stoicism? |
Anonymous Asks (327) | Did the Canadian government ever admit COVID vaccines have injured or killed some of its citizens? |
Anonymous Asks (328) | What does it mean to be baptized for the dead? |
Anonymous Asks (329) | What is a post-Christian society? |
Anonymous Asks (330) | Was Jesus a Palestinian? |
Anonymous Asks (331) | Are mono-ethnic churches biblical? |
Anonymous Asks (332) | Is not reading the Bible a sin? |
Anonymous Asks (333) | Is the name you give your child important? |
Anonymous Asks (334) | If Jesus was/is omniscient, why did he ask questions? |
Anonymous Asks (335) | What does leaven symbolize in the Bible? |
Anonymous Asks (336) | Should Christians from different denominations date or marry? |
Anonymous Asks (337) | Are lustful thoughts natural, and how do I deal with them when they keep coming back into my mind? |
Will serial killers goto heaven with no punishment if they believe in Jesus, repent and ask for forgiveness?
ReplyDeleteAre lustfull thoughts natural and how do i deal with them when they keep coming back into my mind?
ReplyDeleteBoth excellent questions. Congrats, you get two of our next three Anonymous Asks posts, Anonymous!