Quote of the Day

I usually comment fairly extensively on these, so you definitely won’t see them every day. But when I read something worth either sharing with approval or ruthlessly picking apart, I like to pass it along.

In finally getting around to documenting who’s being quoted in all these links (which has taken me way more time than I meant it to), I noticed Douglas Wilson (evangelical, postmill, Calvinist, Reformed, and Presbyterian, in that order), John C. Wright (Catholic S-F/Fantasy writer) and Christopher Hallpike (Christian evolutionist anthropologist) might just be the tiniest bit over-represented, for different reasons.

I disagree with Doug Wilson as often as I agree with him, but he loves the Lord, has an unbelievable way with words and is notably braver than I am. John Wright is probably the most interesting S-F writer currently living. I don’t spend much time on the genre anymore, but when I do, Wright is who I read. C.R. Hallpike, on the other hand, is simply fascinating. I know very little about anthropology, and most of what I now know came from Dr. Hallpike. Not-so-unexpectedly, nearly all of it tends to confirm what scripture teaches.

Quote of the Day (1) Andrew Klavan
Quote of the Day (2) A.W. Tozer
Quote of the Day (3) James Bartholomew (The Spectator)
Quote of the Day (4) Thomas Sowell
Quote of the Day (5) Philip Sandifer
Quote of the Day (6) John C. Wright
Quote of the Day (7) Patrick J. Tabor
Quote of the Day (8) Anonymous blog commenters
Quote of the Day (9) Brett Kunkle (Stand to Reason blog)
Quote of the Day (10) Sir Robert Anderson
Quote of the Day (11) Nadim Nassar (the only Church of England priest in Syria)
Quote of the Day (12) James Bartholomew (The Spectator)
Quote of the Day (13) Immanuel Can
Quote of the Day (14) Jon at Stuff Christians Like
Quote of the Day (15) Jo Nesbo
Quote of the Day (16) G.K. Chesterton
Quote of the Day (17) Vox Day
Quote of the Day (18) Jabe Nicholson
Quote of the Day (19) C.R. Hallpike
Quote of the Day (20) Dalrock (blogger)
Quote of the Day (21) Douglas Wilson
Quote of the Day (22) Malcolm Muggeridge
Quote of the Day (23) John C. Wright
Quote of the Day (24) John C. Wright
Quote of the Day (25) Douglas Wilson
Quote of the Day (26) Douglas Wilson
Quote of the Day (27) Epicurus
Quote of the Day (28) John C. Wright
Quote of the Day (29) Fred Reed
Quote of the Day (30) Martin van Creveld
Quote of the Day (31) Louis Berkhof
Quote of the Day (32) Douglas Wilson
Quote of the Day (33) David Gooding
Quote of the Day (34) C.R. Hallpike
Quote of the Day (35) Jordan Peterson
Quote of the Day (36) Bret Weinstein
Quote of the Day (37) Stefan Molyneux
Quote of the Day (38) Moira Greyland
Quote of the Day (39) C.R. Hallpike
Quote of the Day (40) David Gooding
Quote of the Day (41) William MacDonald
Quote of the Day (42) Helmut Thielicke
Quote of the Day (43) Antemodernist
Quote of the Day (44) Vox Day
Quote of the Day (45) N.N. Taleb
Quote of the Day (46) David de Bruyn
Quote of the Day (47) Ian Rankin
Quote of the Day (48) Simplicius