When I’m working, I leave my car in a seven-storey public parkade
across the street from a hospital. Recently it was thought prudent to increase
the number of available parking spaces for disabled drivers, so the necessary
repainting was done and the usual signs posted.
That would have been fine, except that the increase in
disabled spaces was an order of magnitude greater than the need it was
intended to address; ten times the number required even in the busiest
hours of the average day. Virtually the entire second floor of the parkade is
now empty morning, noon and night. Thirty drivers who would otherwise
have paid for space in this busy downtown parking lot are stuck looking for
accommodation elsewhere, and the City loses the revenue from their daily custom.
On the bright side, the strategy virtue-signals magnificently, so the town hall clerks
and administrators are likely unperturbed.
Christian instruction can be a bit like that parkade. We
only have so much space in our craniums. A truth stressed out of proportion
pushes other truths out of place.