The concluding chapters
of the prophetic book of Ezekiel are among the most hotly debated in all of
Scripture. Neither the figurative nor the literal approach to these chapters is
adequate to explain every detail, unravel every mystery. However, it is not
necessary for us to know all the answers in order to understand the passage
properly. Despite the potential for controversy, Scripture does supply us with
enough information to answer the main questions associated with the passage,
which are as follows:
1. Is the temple and its worship literal, or
2. Do these things take place at a time now
past or at some point in the future?
3. If the time is future, does it involve the
millennial kingdom of Christ on earth, or the heavenly state
4. In any case, what is the purpose of the
sacrifices described?
In a previous post, we tried to offer answers to the first
two questions.
Let’s consider the remaining two: