In which our regular writers toss around subjects a little more volatile
than usual.
The 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Toronto, Canada
was ecumenicalism monetized, organized and with a working agenda for
planet-wide spiritual dominion.
That’s not hyperbole. They’re not hiding much these days, and almost
anyone who makes an effort is free to come in to their major gatherings and
take a look. They want both a world government and a viable world religion to
make it happen. Something close to 8,000 delegates got
together to plug away at the project. These included Catholics, Buddhists,
Baptists, the Bahai, Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, indigenous spiritualists and even
a video message from the Dalai Lama. You name it, they were there. Carl
Teichrib was also there, reporting.
Tom: Assuming it’s accurate, what interests me about Teichrib’s summary is that the
Interfaith Engagement panel he attended was particularly troubled by evangelical
resistance to their project. They considered at length how to break down the
walls that keep evangelicals from fully participating in their little Babel 2.0. Their recommendations were intriguing.