In which two or more of our regular writers toss around subjects a little more volatile than usual.
Editor’s Note: More and more I realize that a large number of Christians have strange ideas about the nation of Israel today. Some see them as God’s chosen people who can do no wrong. Some see them as entirely outside the scope of God’s blessing now and forever, and view all the promises to national Israel as being fulfilled in the Church. Where a Christian stands on Bible prophecy and Dispensationalism will likely be a factor in his or her position on Israel, but geopolitics often plays an even bigger role.
This is our first ever Too Hot to Handle discussion from the summer of 2014. IC and I don’t hit every possible facet of the topic, but maybe it’s a helpful opening salvo:
Alex Awad is a professing Christian who leads a Bible school
in the town of Bethlehem and wrote 2008’s Palestinian
Memories: The Story of a Palestinian Mother and her People.