In which our regular
writers toss around subjects a little more volatile than usual.
Tom: I’m prowling
the Internet, as is my wont, and encountering discussion on the subject of
whether a church building can impede one’s efforts to grow a local church. Take
for example this meditation, from Abby Stocker at Christianity Today:
“Our worship spaces matter. The music, preaching, and
community obviously influence our church experience, but building styles also
communicate something to the congregation about what is proper in worship. A
central stage outfitted with a drumset probably means the music will be
emotional and modern. Feel free to wave your hands, dance, however the Spirit
leads you. Kneelers will probably be dedicated to congregational, possibly liturgical,
prayer. Space for a mosh pit signifies ... you’re probably not at, say, a small
intimate gathering based primarily on discussion of a text.”
So here we are, left to consider how the apostle Paul might
have felt about a mosh pit. Immanuel Can, please help me out here.