In which our regular writers toss around subjects a
little more volatile than usual.

Christopher Dummitt is an Associate Professor of History at Trent University, and he has a confession to make:
“I basically just made it up.”
Tom: He’s not the first, and he’s probably not the worst, but Dummitt is keen on taking either credit or blame
(it’s not always clear which) for successfully swaying Canadian public opinion
about sex and gender. He used to tell his students and readers that gender is entirely
a social construct, not a biological reality. Today, the vast majority of
Canadians believe him.
Problem is he was misusing his authority to deceive the public. The Emperor would go
out tonight, but he doesn’t have a stitch to wear. Likewise, Dummitt had no substantive
evidence of any sort to offer for his ideology-based position. As he now
admits, his so-called “proofs” may legitimately be interpreted any number of
ways. He used rhetoric and the “appeal to authority” fallacy to patch the
gaping holes in his argument.
But we knew that, didn’t we, IC?