Over the last year or so I’ve been reading through the Bible
at the rate of about a chapter a day. I just finished Jeremiah yesterday, which
is a really emotionally tough book if you identify even slightly with Jeremiah,
and as I was reading the first chapter of Lamentations I was struck by a
thought that’s been creeping up on me for a while.
Grief is not a sin.
Well, duh, you may say. Of course it’s okay to grieve. We
lose people or hear terrible news or suffer disappointment, we feel sad; it
would be monstrous if we didn’t react that way. And I think most
people would agree that this is the case.
And yet it’s easy to fall into the trap of expecting that
grief, or lamentation, should only last so long or go so far. Just a nice neat
little grief, not too long, something you can swallow back and force a watery
smile and then put your chin up and keep marching with a smile on your face.
Especially if you call yourself a Christian, because Christians are supposed to
be full! of! joy! and count themselves blessed when they suffer tribulation,