I suppose my subject
may require at least a rough definition, but sometimes there’s only one word
for a particular job. So the word of the day is solipsism.
The solipsist is not a
narcissist; that’s a pathology. The solipsist is not merely selfish; that’s
childish and natural in a fallen world, and even unbelievers may learn unselfishness as they age and experience life. Solipsism is
actually a philosophical theory that the self is all that may be known to
exist, but I’m not here talking about mere philosophies or theories. Practical solipsism is a phenomenon in
which adults — particularly Western adults, I think — automatically and
reflexively view every issue before them first and foremost from
the angle of how it affects them.
It’s kinda like empathy ... except it isn’t. Empathy feels your pain. Solipsism feels its own imaginary pain that has been triggered by yours.
And solipsism is absolutely epidemic in our culture.