People: you just can’t count on them.
That’s one of the things you can count on about human nature. We don’t have what it takes to see
things through.
Oh, we mean well enough … and we intend to try our best …
but often our best is a lot less impressive in the delivery than we thought it was
going to be.
And let’s face it: most of us are just not in anything for the long haul. While the
idea is new and the fire in us is fresh, we’re all enthused about whatever’s going
on. But fires cool, and new turns old, and we lose interest.
A career, a program, a plan, a commitment, a hobby or a marriage …
all fine in the short term, but give any of them enough time and everything turns
out to be work.
So we quit. And honestly, sometimes by the time we do it’s just
as well that we do.