“Women Are Worth Less (Lev. 27:1-4). This is one of those passages that really, really should make believers — especially women — question just how much of the Old
Testament we can take seriously. According to Leviticus, a man’s worth —
in “dedicating a person to the LORD” — is 50 shekels. A
woman, however, is only worth 30. (NB: the ratio here is strangely reminiscent
of the U.S. Constitution’s provision that a slave was only worth 3/5 of a
white man. There must be like the “golden mean” of massive inequalities.) It is
difficult to explain this away without logically also concluding that part of
scripture was a historical artifact of its time that we should not take
seriously. Unless, of course, you actually hold that men and women aren’t equal
or shouldn’t be equal. Which would, obviously, be absurd.”
Notice that Greg is reacting as if Leviticus declares that the intrinsic value of a woman before God is only 60% of a man’s value, as if the Law somehow diminishes her personhood. He finds such an idea offensive to the core and “absurd”.