How many ethnic Jews are there in the world today?
The Brave AI tool I just asked that question warns that
counting Jews is not an exact science. (Some people incorrectly refer to Gentile proselytes of Judaism as “Jews”. Real Jews do not, and the Bible definitely does not.) Anyway, AI estimates the low number of actual Jews at 15.7 million and the high at
25.5 million, around 0.2-0.3% of the world’s population. The lower number is probably closer to reality.
Now, that number is strictly related to Judah and the tribes associated with it, and does not take
into account the ten tribes of Israel, mostly scattered
abroad since 722 BC. There is no easy way to calculate their number (hint: it is probably equal to or higher than the number of Jews). The
vast majority of Ephraim will not come home to Israel until Christ sets up his
Whatever those numbers may be, they will definitely factor into our discussion of
today’s reading in Zechariah.