In which our regular writers toss around subjects a little more volatile than usual.
We’ve all seen it, and seen it many times: a Christian in the public eye crashes and burns. He (or she, recently)
confesses to the commission of one sin or another, usually an affair of some
sort, and follows the confession by taking a time-out from the affected area of
service (or leaving it altogether), announcing that the family needs “healing
time”, and so on and so forth.
Tom: I bring this up because it’s happened again, IC. I’m not going to
mention the name; the details are unimportant and likely unprofitable to pore
over. But you and I have discussed the situation a little, and I wondered about
your thoughts on how such things should be handled biblically. There aren’t
many apostolic scandals recorded for us in the New Testament, are there …
Immanuel Can: No, there aren’t.