Thursday, November 05, 2015

I Stand Amused

So, you know, Christians have answers to atheist objections.

What’s funny to me is how different those answers may be without being contradictory. God has given different members of the Body of Christ a variety of complementary ways of looking at the world around us, and completely different, often totally unexpected responses to the diverse needs evidenced in that world. An intellectual perceives a need for an intellectual answer. A historian looks for someone who understands his discipline and responds to it credibly. A plumber or carpenter may expect common sense. A stay-at-home mom ... well, we don’t have many of those anymore anyway.

And if anecdotal evidence means anything, any honest seeker may find himself under conviction by means of encountering other kinds of evidence entirely. We don’t always know what we’re looking for after all, and we may not know ourselves as well as we think we do.

I answered a challenge related to the emerging study of the cosmos this way

Tim Barnett at Stand to Reason answers the same challenge ... and answers it so differently that I don’t even know where to start in describing it.

I don’t disagree with Tim, and I’m not sure there’s even a “best way” to approach such a challenge. I’m just amused at how two serious believers can come at the same thing from two entirely different angles. But that’s life in the Body of Christ.

So go with the take that works for you ... or with your own answer, which may be different again.

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