There is a certain apparent randomness to hurricanes, cancer
and car accidents. There is nothing at all random about oppression. Oppression
is something one human being deliberately inflicts on another, and for which
the oppressor will one day give an account.
A hurricane does not have to explain itself, or pay some
future price for the havoc and misery it has produced. An oppressor certainly
Ecclesiastes 4:1 — Oppressions without Comfort
Yet Another Source of Frustration
We are back in Ecclesiastes, as the Preacher addresses yet another source of earthly frustration:
“Again I saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun. And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power, and there was no one to comfort them.”
Here the problem is not just oppression, but oppression
without any mental or emotional relief. The Preacher refers to “all the oppressions that are
done under the son.” John Gill lists a few: “subjects by their prince; the
stranger, widow, and fatherless, by unjust judges; the poor by the rich;
servants and labourers by their masters; and the like.” There are plenty more.
I think we can probably leave out professional athletes who have foolishly
contracted for half a million less than the going rate, as well as the mostly-mythical
wage gap between the sexes. If we are going to talk about the oppressed, let’s
stick with those who are genuinely afflicted. The oppressed are generally
without options, or are forced to choose between bad and worse.
Pain with no Explanation
In the absence of revelation, there is no explanation for
the pain human beings cause one another, and no way for the victims to think
about their suffering that enables them to accept it and move on. Yes, of
course it would be nice if the pain would stop. That would be ideal. But it is
amazing how much misery we can tolerate on a daily basis if we can find a way
to frame it that makes sense to us, and some reason to hold onto the hope that
at some future point, justice will eventually be done.
This is the hope Job clung to in his own time of torment: “I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.” Believe that relief is coming, and you can get through pretty much anything. Job did.
Two Readings
There are two claims here: one about the oppressed and one
about the oppressors. It is possible to read the second statement either of two
ways. Either the phrase “there was no one to comfort them” refers to the
oppressors, or else it simply restates what was said earlier about the
Most modern translators assume the latter to be the case, and they are probably right, though of course it is not all
fun and games oppressing others. For most people, inflicting misery comes with
at least a twinge of guilt. That has to be dealt with, usually through
rationalization or substance abuse. More often, people who are oppressing
others are themselves oppressed by those higher up in the food chain. They
inflict pain because if they don’t do their jobs as they have been instructed,
they will surely lose them, and end up like those they are oppressing.
So yes, I have no doubt that some oppressors would
indeed like to be comforted themselves, but that is probably not what the
Preacher is saying.
No One to Comfort
Either way, the pressing need is for someone to comfort
those who are grieving their lot in life. This is precisely the role played by
the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. He is, as the Lord Jesus put it, “another comforter”. It is the counsel of the Spirit of God that enables the believer to “rejoice in
our sufferings ... because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
How can we be sure of God’s love? Revelation. He has
declared it. It is a next-to-impossible task to distinguish between the comfort
God’s Spirit gives to us and the words he has used to console us. Our peace
comes from accepting and believing revealed truth. It is not just a feeling,
but a feeling produced by words we believe from a Person we trust.
Under the sun, the Preacher says, there is all sorts of
oppression. That is the lot of most people during most periods of history. You
and I know that one day all oppression will end, but in the meantime, the
Spirit of God provides comfort to the oppressed through his word. The Preacher
can provide no such comfort.
Once again, the Preacher is drawing attention to the pressing
need for revelation, even if only negatively, by telling us what the world
looks like to him in its absence.
Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 — The Dead and the Unborn
More Fortunate than the Living
So how bad is it? Pretty bad:
“And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.”
In Hebrew, the word used for “fortunate” means “congratulated”
or “commended”. Literally, it is “I congratulated the dead more than the
living.” The Preacher is not referring to the luck of the draw. Natural
disasters, disease and accidents appear to happen at random, but oppression
requires a will and a target. It involves choice and accountability.
If it seems a little bleak to say to the oppressed, “You’d
be better off dead, and better still if you had never been born,” bear in mind
that the Preacher is looking at the world naturalistically. He is not backhandedly
promoting suicide. He is definitely not speaking to Christians, who have been
shown ways of dealing with suffering that Solomon could not possibly have
Good Things About Being Oppressed
Suffering produces endurance and character and hope in men and women who know Christ and are indwelt by his Spirit. Suffering
equips us to comfort the afflicted. Sufferings achieve for us
eternal glory. Sufferings
cannot separate us from the love of Christ. Sufferings confirm we are
done with sin. Affliction is a way of having
fellowship with Christ.
How do we know these things? Because we have been expressly told them. Oppression can only produce these “goods” in those who have
heard and believed. These things are not part of the Preacher’s world, and if
there is indeed no prospect for relief, why would anyone want to go on living? Why
would anyone wish to be born into such a situation in the first place? To
encounter nothing but more of the same?
Of course the difficulty even for the unsaved is that no one
can know whether the oppression one is currently experiencing will one day come
to an end. Perhaps it will. Perhaps it will not. One can hope, but for those
who do not know Christ, it is hope without evidence.
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