Oh, of course it’s guaranteed in the
long-term. We’ve read the ending of a story that has already been written,
edited and published to the world. It is a done deal. All is to be summed up in
Christ, and those of us who belong to him are destined to be glorified with him
and united with him for eternity.
That’s definitely what you’d call a win.
Might not happen in your lifetime or mine, but our long-term prospects are
Short-term is another story. Today may hold
what appears to be a resounding loss.
Mercenary Work
David’s general Joab went out to war on
behalf of God’s people, Israel. He hadn’t asked for the fight that lay before
him. Hanun, the new king of Ammon, was feeling his oats. He took some advice from
the wrong people and found himself at odds with David. Rather than do the smart thing and appeal
for peace, Hanun hired 33,000 mercenaries to support him and settled in for a prolonged
battle. David responded to this poke in the eye by sending Joab and the army.
Now, sometimes it’s better to ignore a provocation.
If the Ammonites and their mercenaries had been marching in force on Jerusalem,
the question of whether or not God wanted his people to fight back would have
been academic. Strap on your swords, boys, and let’s get it done.
But we can probably debate David’s wisdom
in sending in his troops against an entrenched enemy. David had enjoyed a good
relationship with Hanun’s father. He had not been looking for a scrap. He was
forced to make a judgment call: Ignore Hanun’s blatant nose-thumbing, and maybe
risk the Ammonites becoming overconfident, which might well lead to future raids
on peaceful Israelite settlements.
Or not. It could have gone either way.
No Way to Know
There was no real way to know. And there’s
no real way for us to know, since the inspired writer of 2 Samuel does not
editorialize about David’s decision. He doesn’t tell us David was being
unspiritual, or that he failed to consult God about the situation. We are left
to draw our own conclusions, just the way things often happen in our own lives.
Hey, some provocations we can let slide,
and probably should. But some fights pick themselves. To fail to respond to
certain sorts of provocations is simply … to fail.
Example: You’re a Christian father. Your
teenage daughter, fumbling in her purse for a Kleenex, inadvertently drops a small
bag of pot and a package of birth control pills on the kitchen floor right in
front of you. Now there’s a conversation that HAS to be had, like it or not.
You may be the most peaceful soul going, but you’d best not let that sort of
thing slide by.
And like David and Joab, you enter the
fight without a clear sense of what might happen, without an oracle, without an unambiguous rejoinder from Urim and Thummim, without a specific word from God to address
the particulars of the situation, and especially without any guarantee things
will end well.
You’re left applying whatever principles you’ve managed to derive from God’s word as best you can in the moment. Better than nothing, for sure, but principles can be applied different ways by different believers. They’re just not as directly on point as we’d often like them to be. And remember, short-term wins for the people of God are simply not sure things.
So you take your best shot.
You’re left applying whatever principles you’ve managed to derive from God’s word as best you can in the moment. Better than nothing, for sure, but principles can be applied different ways by different believers. They’re just not as directly on point as we’d often like them to be. And remember, short-term wins for the people of God are simply not sure things.
So you take your best shot.
Win, Lose or Draw
And you may not win today’s fight. Your daughter
may give you an earful of profanity, grab her backpack and her toothbrush, and go shack up with that older boyfriend you didn’t know about.
More likely the results will be
inconclusive. You destroy the pot, get no clear answer about the birth control
pills, and your daughter goes to her room crying and locks the door on you. Not
ideal, but maybe better than the worst-case scenario.
Or maybe it’s a good day. Maybe you have
that talk you should have had a long time ago, and for a while at least she
seems to be coming around.
There’s no way to know up front, is there?
If there were, you’d pick and choose your moments as a parent a lot more
What Seems Good to Him
I like Joab’s word to the Israelites as
they prepared for battle, surrounded by enemies:
“Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the Lord do what seems good to him.”
Not “May the Lord do what seems good to US”.
Not even “May the Lord do what we expect”. Definitely not “May the Lord do what will solve the problem quickest”. That would be nice, sure. We hope
for it, absolutely. But what’s much more important is that we acknowledge before
the Lord that we want him to do what
seems good to him. Whatever that may be, even if it involves a lengthy emotional
pummeling for you and me.
I know, I know, most of us would rather
have the short-term fix. Who needs the stress that comes with agonizing over
and repeatedly praying for an errant child year after year? But maybe your
daughter needs to hit rock bottom before she’ll ever ask for help. The Lord
knows that. Or again, maybe all she needs is to know today that you care, and
that you’re enforcing the house rules out of love and concern for her. The Lord
knows that. God forbid, maybe she’s a cautionary tale for her younger sister
and a growing experience for you and your wife. We hope not, but yes, the Lord
knows that too.
But whatever the outcome, what seems good
to the Lord is always best in the long term. It is what seems good to the Lord in
your life and mine that will, in its small way, contribute to the eternal victory
we know is coming.
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